Home Remedies For Stretch Mark
STRECH THE MARK This has been a ravaging discussion in this era, it has become a constantly hunting shenanigan however many a time people see it as a faux pas.this particular piece is meant for the female folks if I stand to be corrected. it has however reduce the self esteem of so many ladies out there. This article is meant to boost your self- worth to make you understand that this issue of concern is nothing… Growing up I have never for once thought this same menace would caught up with me not until I turned 23 years old I began to discover its traces on my skin my under arm, my thigh, my boobs and even on my buts. When I first noticed I became sad, cause I have to be consciously conscious of what I wear, plus the fact that I couldn’t attend some events like beach party where I can wear swim suit show my curves , my self esteem dropped though not much, a day came when I got tired of the whole issues I picked up my phone called a friend just to get some relief but it...