Home Remedies For Stretch Mark
This has
been a ravaging discussion in this era, it has become a constantly hunting
shenanigan however many a time people see it as a faux pas.this particular
piece is meant for the female folks if I stand to be corrected. it has however
reduce the self esteem of so many ladies out there. This article is meant to boost your self- worth to
make you understand that this issue of concern is nothing… Growing up I have
never for once thought this same menace would caught up with me not until I
turned 23 years old I began to discover its traces on my skin my under arm, my thigh,
my boobs and even on my buts. When I first noticed I became sad, cause I have
to be consciously conscious of what I wear,
plus the fact that I couldn’t attend some events like beach party where I can
wear swim suit show my curves , my self esteem dropped though not much, a day
came when I got tired of the whole issues I picked up my phone called a friend
just to get some relief but it did more harm than good so I decided to go
online like many other ladies out there would do, I began to check on ways to clean
or clear it. fortunately I got some home remedies mixture that I faithfully
applied as days turn into weeks and weeks into months it remained the same. No
sign of a smooth flawless skin. until I came in contact with a leaflet that
changed my mindset and I have strongly considered that I share the information
on that leaflet to you guys.
I was on my
way home when I saw a group of young ladies on a particularly uniform outfit of
tea green verse and a dark brown pants, they were about 15 of them making
different types of awareness’ and sharing flyers they gave me one and I
ignorantly collected, when I got home after taking dinner I decide to read myself
to sleep because that is what I do always, clueless of what to read I just
thought of going through the flyer I was given earlier that day already thought
it was gonna be gibberish but little did I know that it was gonna change my
life and change the way I see myself. This is the explicated information I got
from the leaflet that transformed my perception about stretch mark.
As I have
grown older and wiser I have come to understand that stretch mark is a thing
for over 85.5% of women out there.strecth mark can have causes that are not due
to an underlying disease or infection. This is an irregular lines or streaks on
the skin where it has been stretched or distended, especially due to pregnancy
or obesity. Oxford dictionary.com. More so, the causes, symptoms and how to
prevent stretch mark would be discussed below. Less I forget stretch mark is
not a dead syndrome and it doesn’t appear in all women, lemme startle you, Do
you know that some dudes have stretch mark too?
Places where you can
have this streaks
and lower arms
How to Prevent these streaks
getting fat
to maintain a particular body size
your weight ( eat a nutrient rich in zinc, vitamin C and protein)
enough water (don’t allow yourself to be dehydrated)
you begin to see faint traces of it use oil e.g. lime or castor oil
using creams with hydroquinone
could be dangerous as well
Home Remedies for these
aloe Vera gel on the affected area and wash off after 10 mins
and apply 2 aspirin tablet and wash off after 5mins(for stubborn streaks)
lime on the affected area and then wash it off after some time
make sure your skin is always moist apply oil(olive, nime, castor oil),
Vaseline/Shea butter regularly.