
Showing posts from January 2, 2022

Friends versus lovers

  I will hate more than anything to wake up one day and find that I can no longer call you, chat you up, play with you, feel free with you like we used to because you picked romantic interest in me and I turned it down. It will be so painful to see your WhatsApp story and then after typing a lengthy funny response, I will then pause to think and then go ahead to delete the message on remembering that we are not as we use to be. It will be sad to soil the friendship we have built over the years because one of us did not understand that God did not put everyone in our life for us to date, no matter how beautiful the friendship might be. I know there is this pressure to get married from your end but please hold your fire.  Maybe it is not even marriage pressure. It could be a longing to fish in love waters but we must not fish together.  You might want to ask 'what then happens to marry your friend?'  That might be correct. You should marry your friend but  unfortu...

Shared Post

 *THE VENOM OF SELFISHNESS IN A RELATIONSHIP*  Hello great minds 😊😊 I'm glad we made it to a new year. I saw this post on a group and had the permission to share so read, digest and send in your take on this... A lot of people are married, but single. You think you are married to someone, but the person is not even married to you emotionally. You may be living under the same roof but far apart emotionally. I feel like we need to talk about how damaged a lot of us are. How materialistic we have become. How self-obsessed we are as a people. How about how selfish? "I deserve the best", yes, you do. But while you deserve the best, the person you want the best from, is he/she getting the best as well from you? Our generation is just too selfish. It is always about you. You want someone to love you and accept you, but you are a bag of negativity and emotional liability. You are unstable. You never look inside. You never tell yourself the truth. You are always right, they are ...