
Showing posts from December 25, 2022

10 Things That Destroys Relationship

  Facts have shown that when things are not properly done there's bound to be chaos. Number 8 will shock you. Relating with people has been man's most difficult challenge, staying with someone in a romantic relationship isn't as easy as it looks on social media where you see couples hold hands together, do Snapchat video, TikTok or even Instagram behind all of those parades on media there's more behind the scenes we don't see. Starting a relationship is a good thing, however if not meticulously handled it can be marred  by some little things.   In this post I'll be sharing little stuff that could destroy a love relationship.  One of the things that could destroy a relationship is holding grudges (resentment). Communication is man's greatest gift, where there's no communication there is problem.   Not giving space,live your life outside of your partner i.e have your own friends and spend time with them Not having separate hobbies. Nothing stops you from h...

How To Build A Healthy Self Esteem

  Enormous facts and figures have shown that there are lot of factors that could result to low self esteem. When an individual feels good about themselves and who they are, they are said to have good self-esteem. Having healthy self-esteem is essential to living well and being a productive  member of society.  Low self-esteem not only affects an individual’s internal world, but their external actions as well, limiting their ambitions and choices in life. As Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs” defines it, self-esteem is as essential to living a good life as having good nutrition, a safe environment, and even love. Oftentimes, low self-esteem starts with negative or wrong self-image. Recognizing how either low self-esteem or negative self-image works within ourselves is often hard. Negative ideation can be habitual and therefore “normal” in an individual’s eyes. Self evaluation is key to assessing how selves and maintaining balanced self-esteem.         ...