Timeless Love

Love world

Hello great viewers!

     I guess you are having fun considering the fact some persons are still hallucinating from the euphoria of valentines, many were disappointed because expectations were cut off, he didn’t propose, she didn’t call or send a gift and so many other reasons why people feel its time I end it! bla bla bla, any ways val is over now. so what next? am gonna be sharing little tips on what to do after val...
Also i would like to announce to you that  I won’t be sharing story  003 on harmful tradition as a major cause of sexual violence reasons being that this week is a week of love, we would be taking a break from the pub on sexual violence and be looking at Love…

    Am so sorry this post is coming late, have got little issue with my sever, have been trying to put things in place, that not with standing, i express  my sincere apology... thanks and enjoy this section...
      Everything on earth is centered around love believe it or live it…Love like I would always say is a cumbersome word, is an action word that is, love is a verb and also an abstract noun, love is more of a verb than a noun because the world today is built on love, , God created the world on love, great scientist make inventories based on love, people make new discoveries based on the love they feel for that thing and how far they want to save mankind that is why science will not stop , people will keep making research, searching new things in order to save the world from foreseen/intended crises…note that some people in other part of the world celebrate val's day on 6th June, while we celebrate our's on Feb 14…

     Love is originate from the Germanic  word ’’ luba’’ which means to have delight in or approve , it has so many meanings  ranging from old English to indo European, it means to desire a thing.
      Love is sacrifice, love is understanding, love is patient, it is everything good you can think of as a human, anything inhuman is not love is the reverse .
Any relationship that is not build on love should be question else is only a game of time plus a waste of time and resources, love is the best tool to make peace…
What Love Is;
·       Love is when you see a need as a person and you attend to that need.
·       Love is when you think of what is lacking in the society and you provide solutions to them
·       Love is when you become a leader and you lead leaders i.e you make impact
·       Love is when you bring out the best in others regardless of credits
·       Love is when you share no matter how little... learn to share
·       Love is when you talk to your partner in a polite way regarding difficult situations 
·       Love is when you say what you mean and mean what you say

      More so, I would like to give a word of encouragement to those persons who didn’t get “will you marry me’’ or can you be my girlfriend/boyfriend?” being single is not a curse, is something you should appreciate, a moment you must cherish and value, it’s a time you can spread all your tentacles and do whatever it is you wanna do, it’s a time to discover purpose and pursue it, it’s a time where you learn new things and improve yourself, I have said over and over again, improve your self in any way possible don’t wait for a dude/ damsel to come complete your life do what you can when you can before your partner comes pop the question, this is not the time to be delusional about love…more valentines day would come in fact if a persons truly loves they wont wait till Val’s day to express their love for you its gonna be everyday as long as they breath  so babe/boo chi lax

         In conclusion however, lets not set a day aside to celebrate love but rather lets celebrate and appreciate love every day that takes’ our breath away, love with no conditions….this is a day set aside to reach out to people, have fun, spend quality time with your kids and spouse take a break, unplug yourself and be you… have a lovely week ahead @yourhumblehost.com

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