Dreams About Spouse

 Dreams About Spouse🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑


If marriage is for better for good and till death do us part!!

How then do we ensure we don't get entangled with the wrong spouse?

Over the years I have watched my mum counsel people on how to,who to, and when to date/court/marry.

Recently in my research I realized that the quest is still on 

How then with all these counsels, prayers, background checks etc.

People still get it wrong in marriage.

I have seen many a time where intended couples

Attend marriage classes, counselling sections, relationship seminars, people management training etc the list is unending.

So as not to miss out in God's ordained plan for their marital life.

Some persons with all their high level of meticulousness

still get it wrong in marriage.

I then I asked myself what could be the caused Of this whole marriage hullabaloo?

And something tells me the answer isn't Farfetch.

The big question is what do you do after the background checks of your supposed spouse?

Do you just quit or try to find a head way?

Some persons go as far as having dreams about their husbands/wife.

After the dream what do you do?

I'll give you my Candid advice, which is to keep asking God to lead you in the right path of finding a God fearing life partner.

Lemme add this you can't be chasing the things of this world and expect to get it right in marriage.

You yourself must be right that is, have a right standing with God .

Don't forget that 'its who you are that you are surely gonna attract.

So be right and live right.

You pray for God's leading and directions.

God is not a man that lies neither is he the son of man that will fail. 

When you dream of someone it's 4 things

1. You have an infatuation for that person

2. It could be God telling you something about that person, don't be surprised it might not even be related to relationship/marriage.

3. It could be that God wants you to learn or mentor towards that individual.

4. God might be telling you this is the kinda person I want you to be with not this is the person I want you to be with.

I tell people there's more to having to see your partner in the dream.Some persons dream about their partners  other don't.

The fact that you didn't see him/her in your dreams doesn't mean he isn't God's will for you.

Just in thanksgiving 🙏🙏 pray and let your request be made known to God.

God speak to people in diverse manners.

Have consistent fellowship with God in prayers. And he will lead you unto good works.

Remember all good and perfect gift comes from God including the gift of a godly Partner.

 As a Lady look out for a man who can be your;

1. Husband (friend)

2. Father (be responsible)

3. Priest (be rooted in God)

 Dude don't just be carried away by her physique (fluency, portfolios, skin color, tribe etc) ensure she is an embodiment of the proverbs 31WOMAN 

She must have the virtue of a ; 

Mother ( responsibility)

Wife ( care giver)

Home maker.

Have an amazing weekyoursugargurl.com


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