Variance in Temperament

 Hyie famz 💗💗💗

I guess our weekend is interestingly amazing???

I have been kinda busy but just feel I should share this to my awesome readers

Haven studied several kind of temperament their strength and weaknesses little did I know that there's more to temperament until I came  across this 👁️ opening article that blew me up.

Temperament are inherent powers we were made of some are strong others are weak, but as individual we must not allow the less to overturn the powerful. At the end of this article you will agree with me that temperament control every facets of human life form relationship to communication and family life.

Here is the full meaning and  analogy of a maobic personality, interestingly enough I love 💕💕💕 this temperament because it says alot about me.. enjoy the sumptuous meal 🍵🥤

M: Meaning of M in the name MAOBIA means: Success comes easily to you. Physical comfort and wealth matter most. Over indulgence and bad habits are your undoing. Respect and religion brings peace of mind. Avoid risks, they destroy stability. Keep finances under control or they create mental illness.

You can be very romantic, attached to the glamour of love. Having a partner is of paramount importance to you. You are free in your expression of love and are willing to take chances, try new sexual experiences and partners, provided it’s all in good taste. Brains turn you on. You must feel that your partner is intellectually stimulating, otherwise you will find it difficult to sustain the relationship. You require loving, cuddling, wining, and dining to know that you’re being appreciated.

A: Meaning of A in the name MAOBIA means: You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind. Vitality and enthusiasm, inspire others, prone to ill health, common sense overcomes, irritability and "nerves", create financial and domestic problems. Engaging in new activities, overcomes shyness, unforeseen events may cause unexpected move to faraway place. Travel widely, may choose to live far from home. You could suffer through own fickleness. Ambition attained through application and skill.

💐🌹💐 Okay guys I have to stop here for now, I promise to complete the MAOBIC temperament in the next page...

  Have an amazing weekend with swell funnnnnnnn...


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