10 Truth Everyone Must Accept


Hello 🤗 famz

Here are some truth I think everyone must accept, I was skimming through quora.com and I came across this piece I choose to share enjoy and masticate.

🌸Looks matter. People who look good have an unfair advantage over the others.

💞Nobody will ever love you more than your parents.

❤️If you don't take a stand for yourself, people will walk all over you.

🌷Find a strong support network. Good contacts are very important in tough times.

💞Be a good person and don't expect anything from anyone. Expectations will cause you nothing but disappointments.

💕Work hard but if you don't work smartly, you'll end up working for the rest of your life.

🌷Never get upset if someone leaves you. You can never control the other, the only person you can control is yourself.

💗Never stop being a good person because of your bad experiences with others.

🌸Take care of your health. Health is like money, we only learn it's value after losing it.

❤️People can change anytime, so never stay dependent on anyone.


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