Crucial Steps To Sleep Over Before You Start Your Business
5 STEPS TO SLEEP OVER BEFORE YOU START THAT BUSINESS A great man once said ‘’when you see a pretty damsel and you are so much attracted to her and you wanna spend the rest of life with her take a pause, go to her village ask to see her grandmother, when you see her grandmother whose face no longer glows but it’s all wrinkled, you see her toothless mouth and shrink body that's how your beautiful damsel will turn out too, as months turns into years. This illustration is proverbial. simply put whatever you are thinking of starting today ask yourself and access yourself this question those who have been into it how far have they gone? what have they been able to achieve over the years? Starting up a business and becoming a boss of your own without your life and time being stratified it’s a good thing, but the most important thing is, you must generate an idea centered around your business, what value do you wanna add to the economy? do a market research on what you intend to go...