
10 Things That Destroys Relationship

  Facts have shown that when things are not properly done there's bound to be chaos. Number 8 will shock you. Relating with people has been man's most difficult challenge, staying with someone in a romantic relationship isn't as easy as it looks on social media where you see couples hold hands together, do Snapchat video, TikTok or even Instagram behind all of those parades on media there's more behind the scenes we don't see. Starting a relationship is a good thing, however if not meticulously handled it can be marred  by some little things.   In this post I'll be sharing little stuff that could destroy a love relationship.  One of the things that could destroy a relationship is holding grudges (resentment). Communication is man's greatest gift, where there's no communication there is problem.   Not giving space,live your life outside of your partner i.e have your own friends and spend time with them Not having separate hobbies. Nothing stops you from h...

How To Build A Healthy Self Esteem

  Enormous facts and figures have shown that there are lot of factors that could result to low self esteem. When an individual feels good about themselves and who they are, they are said to have good self-esteem. Having healthy self-esteem is essential to living well and being a productive  member of society.  Low self-esteem not only affects an individual’s internal world, but their external actions as well, limiting their ambitions and choices in life. As Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs” defines it, self-esteem is as essential to living a good life as having good nutrition, a safe environment, and even love. Oftentimes, low self-esteem starts with negative or wrong self-image. Recognizing how either low self-esteem or negative self-image works within ourselves is often hard. Negative ideation can be habitual and therefore “normal” in an individual’s eyes. Self evaluation is key to assessing how selves and maintaining balanced self-esteem.         ...

How To Know Real πŸ’•πŸ’• Love

  Over the years the term LOVE has been abuse in the sense that some persons just use it without being sincere to themselves and the person they claim they love. However here are some truth from Chris F. on how  to know if the one you love loves you back. I give KUDOs to him for this awesome piece it really captured my attention. Ensure you read, digest and drop your comments . When someone is in love with you; They NEVER commit an act that would risk losing you. They will never behave in ways to make you question your sanity or self worth. They accept you for you, but they know the difference between acceptance and abuse. Accepting abuse isn’t love. They’d rather tell you the truth and lose you to keep you with lies. If a problem arises in a group settling it won’t be addressed there, but in private with you two only. They have your back with others under most circumstances even if they don’t agree. They keep the relationship exciting with random gifts, day trips and fun acti...

Life's Biggest Lessons

  Hey guys this is a notification that popped up my page while I was scrolling through, I loved it and decided to share, it was written by Gabby 🎈 Life doesn’t ever get better πŸ’• You can have the perfect job and can be making 500k a year and still not be happy. ❤️ Not everyone is your friend. πŸ’— Doing the wrong thing is easier than doing the right thing. 🌹 Never depend on anyone's opinions for your happiness. πŸ’– Life could be worse, appreciate that your alive.  πŸŽ‰ Perfect practice makes perfect. πŸ₯³ You are going to hit rock bottom eventually, you just have to learn how to climb back up. πŸ’ Don’t do everything solo, having good people by your side can be a big advantage. 🌺 Not everyone will agree with you and that's okay. πŸ‘ Agree to disagree, arguements aren’t worth anything. 🎈Don’t assume, if you don’t ask, you will never know anything. ♥️ No matter how smart you are or think you are, there is always something to be learned about in life. πŸ‘ Sometimes your first love won’...

Letters To Upcoming Mothers

The reason why most children, venture into something they do not want is nothing but lack of parental care. Why do you think the rate at which people get involved in abominable things increases incessantly? it is lack of parental care Dear upcoming parents, be very sure you are ready to cater for your children when you get married. Do not get married because of pressure from family and friends. It affects, it can make one marry wrong and a wrong marriage can never be productive.  As a lady, be patient enough to receive good home trainings in and outside your home. Attend seminars about how to handle marriage and prepare your home. Read books on parental care so that you don't jump from one man's house to another as a result of problem.  Lack of preparation most times, causes failure. The reason why some women jump from one husband to another is because they did not prepare before getting married which can lead to divorce. Do not marry out of wedlock no matter what. Marriage o...

Benefits Of Being A Good Husband

  Hello hi  I guess your week is going as planned? I'll be sharing some benefits of a good husband this is a must read for every hubby out there. When you know what to do and you fail to do it  becomes a sin. Howbeit a man who cannot cater for his family is not better than an infidel. Here are what you will enjoy as a husband;   You set good examples for your kids especially your male kids You are at peace with yourself and your wife because she will remain loyal to you You enjoy psychological and emotional stability You could be a good mentor to young folks who wants to get married You can achieve your dreams with ease   1. Don't say I said it you will enjoy mutual sex life with your wife   1. You earn good amount of respect from everyone, your wife, kids and the other family members. Did you notice anything from this post? Yes I guess you did I wrote every point using number 1, it means every point is salient I remain your loyalsugargurl Do drop your comm...

How To Show Love πŸ’• To your Better Half

  In my space on famz are begin to ask what it takes to show love to your spouse in  relationship/marriage. Here's are boxes of various colors I designed it simply tells you that you could show love to your spouse in various different and unique ways. When you are done reading this post ensure you write something on each box that would help you express love to your better half On a second thought I outlined some things you could do to show love to your spouse below πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ I just said to myself I could share what has worked for me over time. And I have seen it worked for others as well, it's a proven facts I must say.   Here are some pointπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ I shared. it's imperative you read to the end 🌺 Be romantic oh, how do I emphasize this now? Okay ask your partner if he/she likes public show of romance or not in anyways be romantic 🎈 Know his/her love language, and put it into practice πŸ’“. Be appreciative for little things done towards you πŸ‘. Be supportive of thei...