Distance Is No Barrier

Distance means so little when someone means so much.– Tom McNeal

A long distance relationship is an intimate relationship between partners who are geographically separated and lack physical contact.
Being in a relationship requires effort and trust but being in a long distance relationship ( LDR) requires more effort, trust and commitment. If you are not careful LDR will become virtually impossible and hard for both partners. Communication is important in a relationship but its importance in a LDR cannot be over emphasized . Listed below are dos and don'ts of a long distance relationship

Do not bore your partner

The last thing you want to do is to bore your partner, like we earlier mentioned communication is very important in fact the importance can not be over emphasized but been on your partners neck is not advisable. Yes, in LDR you will feel lonely so just find a balance and ensure the quality of your conversation so you won't over communicate and bore your partner.

Plan surprise visits and package

Paying your partner a surprise visit or package is one tool you can use to keep your relationship active . We all love surprises so a surprise visit or package from a loved one you 've not seen in a long time will go a long way and will pass the 'I miss you and I'm thinking of you right now message more' especially when it's a gift.

Don't hide how you feel

Relationships grows when there are healthy boundaries. It is not wrong to tell your partner what you like or what you don't like, perhaps your partner has the habit of video calling without prior notification and you don't like it , tell him in a lovely manner, express yourself.

Make future plans together

You need to make plans to spend time together cause you are not in each other's day to day lives that is physical lives and also making future plans together with your partner especially if the LDR is temporary ( that is your partner will be back in the city anytime soon) will help in making good memories and it wipe the maybe ' he/she is not really into me mindset' .

Don't involve a third party private things in your relationship

It only indicate one thing lack of trust , it means you don't trust your partner enough to believe whatever they told you, even if the third party tells you something do well by asking your partner , do not jump into conclusion.

You can try sexting

Though it may not come easy or natural explaining how you feel or what you want to your partner but a romance novel or past sexual experience is an easy way into dirty talk with your partner or live action using video call all these will spice up the relationship and make things less awkward when you see.

A long distance relationship is hard but not impossible with efforts from both partners. In many ways, the art of love is largely the art of persistence. – Albert Ellis

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