Second class citizen


Hello Beautiful ❤️❤️ 🌹❤️

First and foremost I want to welcome you into a month of fulfilments and abundance, a month of living your dreams and speaking boldly what God has in mind for you.

I chose to share my thoughts on second class citizen, it's a book I have a good analysis on. Read and drop your comments below...I drip glory so do you

Second class citizen is a novel that espoused sad realities of what the female folk go through in their life time, from education, to family, marriage, relationship with people, societal expectations, inlaws and outlaws palavah, career, and even work life.

Haven internalize this work I realized that there's more to being a woman than just having to marry and have kids. 

A woman is powerful, full of strength, grace and rugged to face blistering controversies that is peculiar to her gender. 

It is a proven fact that no society can survive without the female folk. 

Why then is she treated like rubies without values? Why is she subjugated to what and what not to do, why then is her voice dried like a broken parch in quest for thirst? 

Why make her see life like a means to a dead end? All these and more questions runs through the pages of my mind as I read this novel.

Adah the main character of this book flingers in between visccitude of life from her parents not sending her to school while her kid brother was in school, she had to manipulatively send herself to school just so her dreams would come to limelight.

This dreams will only last but for a while because her both parents died living her to relatives who cared less about her well being.

Adah got a scholarship into college by keeping some money, 

college days came to end she had nowhere to go to but to marry Francis, 

A wedding that took place without her parents and relative's approval, not even a ring as a symbol of love, no wedding gown, she jumped the bus home after court registery. 

After a million submission of applications in various companies Adah got a job to work with to the American in Lagos liberty as a librarian, 

she earned alot of money and cater for herself, 7 sisters in law, father and mother in law's and her kids too, this did not in any form over weigh her because these are the only family she is got...

To be continued 

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