Your Ideal Male #male
7 Tips To Identify Your Ideal Male
Studies have shown that there are different categories of male
There are the beta male, alpha male and the sigma male.
In this post I'll be discussing some trait about the sigma male
Based on research the sigma male tends to be a good better half in a romantic relationship
He is got some superb featuresπΈπΈ that sets him off the boundary lines, unlike the weak and insignificant features of other categories.
Sigma male portray the following attributes;
π A sigma male is an open mindedπΌ individual, he is open to idealogies like religion, identity groups but doesn't conform except on the ground of personal conviction.
π A sigma male understands his strength and weaknesses and seek for ways to improve himself.
π He demonstrate sheer intelligence by learning new things and taking up new interest
π A sigma male learns how to adapt using both analytical and social skills to come through.
π He only speaks where necessary he is the kind of guy that keepsπ secret and pursue his vision with core values
π He values and appreciate time with people and doesn't come late for and event
π He seeks no approval from what people think i.e he isn't in a competition with anyone but himself, he fights to make he himself a better person.
Have a splendid weekend πππ