Abusive Marriage
Being in an abusive relationship/marriage is the worse that can happen to anyone
I hear some ladies say they love it when their man beats them up, pleas is this a new trend I'm not aware of?
How can you be comfortable with a woman beater? Maybe something has been done to your psychic.
Hence no reasonable person will be comfortable with this inhuman act.
I have read my eyes out on the internet concerning the death of this woman
She was a woman of God full of the holy spirit, who even said her husband will turn a new leave.
Dear sister is not in your spiritual prowess to change any man.
God is showing you red flags so you can run with your life in tact.
If you claim you love God then why won't you forgive and forget rather than beat a woman you have laid with, a woman you wedded on the alter before God, the mother of your children, the person who choose to erase her name and take up yours.
No wonder in some advance countries they have contract marriages/open marriages and the likes because they have no nerves to put up with beast as with some men.
I hate it when men hits women, please keep whatever the offense is, it's not a justification to beat a woman up.
Dear parents teach your male kids to be responsible enough to respect and stand up for women whether a sister, a wife or a colleague.
Also it is better your daughter has a failed marriage than to have a failed /broken life (death) accept them when they come home as a result of assault and domestic violence.
Stand up for them and report to appropriate authorities, don't keep shut because when you don't stop the menace it will continue and spread.
Kids are watching they learn by emulation, they grow up to think beating a woman is the right way to speak to her.
What happened to communication?? Where's the place of family seating together to iron out issues instead of ✊ throwing punches.
I can vividly remember in one of my post when I said those books and marriage counsels you received before marriage you should go back and read them.
It's not out of place to take up those books and rejuvenate yourself on your 💒 vows
I will stop here for now lemme keep peeping through my window blinds and see what will happen to this man.
I come in peace ✌️✌️✌️✌️