Hello famz
I read this post and saw a need to share with you guys
I want you to read and digest every single beat of it.
Love you πππ❤️ππ
For a while now, I have not been checking my face with a mirror but using my phone instead.
The beauty part of my camera shows me a beautiful reflection of my face all the time.
I guess that settles it. But just yesterday after work, I checked and realised that my face has some spots. I was surprised to find it there because I didn't even change my soap or my body cream.
So why this and when did it happen? If I had been consistent in checking out my face in the mirror, I would have noticed the sudden change early enough.
But those spots were evidence that I have left some parts of me unattended for a while.
Dear singles, what part of you have you neglected for a while unattended?
What ambition have you dreamt of, but you have ceased to execute due to excuses?
When was the last time you picked a mirror to examine your life and reflect soberly on who you were last year and this year?
Are there no spots in some areas of your life?
Have you not started deteriorating in terms of the pursuit of your goals?
Have you not become distracted from your purpose and shifted your gaze to irrelevancies?
Dear Single, there is something (talent or gift) deposited in you that you have not been utilising in your waiting period.
There is an iota of greatness in you that you have ignored due to the pressure that came with singlehood.
There is a project you are committed to which you have put on hold, and you have been hunting for a partner.
Let me say it, your purpose has to come before your partner. That is, you need to be fulfilling your purpose before you go into partnership with a man or woman.
Have you discovered that purpose? Are you fulfilling it?
Have you not relented? Have you not relaxed and become idle?
It's time to get back to work now.
It's time to examine the little foxes destroying your vine.
It's time to check and reflect on your life generally.
Rachel was staying close to the well, fulfilling her God-ordained mandate before Abraham's servant found her out there. She was sitting so close to the well, feeding her father's sheep.
Are you sitting close to your well?
Are you attending to your father's business?
Are you fulfilling your purpose?
Are you fulfilling God's mandate for you?
Have you not gone into idleness and laziness all in the name of waiting?
Have you discovered the little spots in you here and there that need to be worked on?
You should not keep wishing you are married when you are supposed to be fulfilling your purpose!
You should not be wasting away your time, resources and efforts when you ought to be making an impact!
You are God's investment, so get back into work!
You are God's asset, so get back into influence!
You are God's masterpiece, why are you not reflecting His glory?
I hope you will pick up your mirror today and see the spots on your face!
I hope you will pick up the mirror today to see the potential lying idle!
I hope you will pick up the mirror today and see what Abba has called you to be which you have not become!
© Oluwapelumi Michael