Relationship And Money ๐ฐ
Hmmmnnnnn Over the years people in relationship tend to have different perception when it comes to the issue of finance. Here are some questions as regards the issue of money. Is your partner dealing with financial struggle? Is your partner in debt? Does he/she shy from financial responsibility? Is your partner a spendthrift and pay less attention to saving? All these and many more poises a lot which can be a red flag. However research have shown that a man/woman who is not generous (giver ) in a relationship will not do better in marriage. How do you discuss finance in relationship, many a counselor will tell you discuss everything while courting, so in the area of finance please how do you go about it.?? Finance is a big issue for me its something I have experience first hand. I had this dude I was in a relationship with oh leading to marriage, do u know I have no idea of his salary anytime I bring up the issue is as if I want to know the ran...